The benefits of animals for seniors in retirement homes

In order to make life in a retirement home more pleasant, it is quite possible for future residents to bring their pets with them. Some retirement homes even have pets. Indeed, it has become more common to invite dogs and cats into retirement homes. These animals are a great help to the elderly.

Pet therapy in retirement homes

Pet therapy is a non-medicated therapeutic method. It is used more and more in retirement homes. It is an activity that requires the intervention of pets and a therapist. The goal of zootherapy is to improve the mental and physical health of seniors through mediation with pets. To help seniors better bond with other residents, this method can be used in group therapy. It can also be beneficial for those with Alzheimer's disease. Indeed, it is not uncommon for retirees to regain their memory and recall certain memories in the presence of a dog or cat. Pet therapy can therefore be a real help to the elderly. The benefits of therapy are even recognized by the Ministry of Health.

Other benefits of pets for seniors

Some residents of retirement homes are often subject to loneliness and isolation. They may miss their families and friends. For those seniors who feel isolated, pets can provide a sense of security and comfort. These companions can give them not only affection, but also joy. Having a pet can also boost independence. Indeed, by taking care of a four-legged animal or a goldfish, among others, a senior will feel useful and responsible. He will be, therefore, more active. In addition to helping the elderly, pets do not represent an additional burden for the employees, since they are taken care of by the seniors.

So what should those who want to bring their pets do?

This is a very good question! Many people may ask this question. Indeed, it is quite possible for retirees to move in with their own pets as it contributes to their daily well-being. However, if a future resident of a retirement home wishes to bring his or her own pet (cat, rodent or other), he or she will have to take care of the hygiene of his or her companion. For those who have lost their autonomy, the animals will be taken care of by sponsors. The implementation of this solution makes it possible, in particular, to provide assistance to elderly people who are no longer able to take care of their pets. These adoption sponsors are part of the animal assistance foundation. Retired people can therefore rest assured that whatever happens, their companions will be in good hands.

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